Guesstimate — Estimate the number of flights that fly out of Delhi in a Day?
Welcome to Day 14/30 of Mastering Guesstimates

Q. Estimate the number of flights that fly out of Delhi in a Day?
Clarifying Questions:
- All type of flights like passengers, cargo, military etc?
- Do I need to calculate for internal or domestic or both?
- Do I need to take into account only IGI or Safdarjung and Palam airport as well?
- Should I consider uniform distribution throughout the year, or are there any constraints based on weekday or weekend and on season?
A. Consider only passenger flights that are both domestic and international. Calculate only for IGI airport and also consider uniform distribution throughout the year.
- There are 4 runways at IGI airport.
- IGI airport is operational for 24 Hours.
Generally as per our observation it normally takes around 5 minutes for a flight to take off once it gets boarded with passengers or land. So in an hour, number of flights that will take off/land will be = 60/5 = 12 flights per hour
Now operational hour split of an airport:

Total flights that takeoff and land in a day from Delhi are = 380 + 230 + 120 = 730 flights in a day
Flights that takeoff from Delhi in a day will be = 730/2 = 365 flights
Therefore, Flights that takeoff from Delhi in a day will be 365 flights
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Stay tuned for Day 13/30 of Mastering Guesstimates, Until then, let curiosity be your guide and let the adventure begin!
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