Guesstimate — Estimate the number of trees in Delhi

Welcome to Day 3/30 of Mastering Guesstimates

Sanyam Aggarwal
2 min readAug 23, 2023

Q. Estimate the number of trees in Delhi.

Clarifying Questions:

  1. Do we need to consider Delhi or Delhi-NCR?
  2. Do we need to estimate for only Trees or Shrubs or both?

A. Consider Delhi for this estimation and calculate specifically for trees only


  1. Area of Delhi is ~1500 sq Km


Area of Delhi = 1500 sq km

Dividing area of Delhi based on the density of trees

  1. Area with No trees — 10% (areas such as industrial areas, commercial areas)
  2. Area with Low tree density — 30% (50 trees per km) (areas such as residential areas, societies, schools etc)
  3. Area with Medium tree density — 40% (100 trees per km) (areas such as parks, agricultural fields, gardens etc)
  4. Area with High tree density — 20% (500 trees per km) (areas such as forests)

Number of trees in Delhi = {(0.3 * 2500) + (0.4 * 10000) + (0.2 * 250000)} * 1500

This 2500, 10000 & 250000 trees we got by finding the number of trees in 1 sq Km area i.e. 50 trees in 1 Km — so 50*50 in 1 sq Km

Number of trees in Delhi = ~55000 * 1500 = 8.25 Crore Trees

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Thank you for taking time to go through this guesstimate. I value your feedback and would greatly appreciate your thoughts. Please feel free to share your feedback in the comments below.

Stay tuned for Day 4/30 of Mastering Guesstimates, Until then, let curiosity be your guide and let the adventure begin!

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Sanyam Aggarwal

Data and Product Enthusiast | Follow Me 🫶 to Conquer the Art of solving Guesstimates